Utilising our purpose developed software program we can provide structural calculations and assist with the design for each specific project, backed up with rigorous CWCT testing.
It is essential that the correct support system is specified to allow for thermal and floor movement levels. It is vital that extreme care and accuracy is taken when installing the grid to ensure that the carrier will accommodate the relevant panel system to reduce the risk of complications.
Typical facade systems and materials may be fixed to the secondary support carrier including Honeycomb Core, Coated Aluminium, High Pressure Laminate, Timber and Zinc.
When the external facade is attached to the carrier system, allowance is made for the expansion, contraction, dead load and dynamic load. Typically, rails will span from floor to floor with a break in the vertical rail where structural deflection is required.
T and L Rail
The T and L Rail are manufactured from high quality structural grade extruded aluminium in 6000mm lengths as standard; these can then be cut to length. Both items can be supplied with a PPC finish, or a cover trim can be supplied if required. All facades are fixed directly to the face of the carrier as per the facade manufacturers’ recommendations.
The versatility of the Matrix T Carrier Secondary Support Grid System allows vertically orientated facades to be attached using the CNC pressed Z rail where required.
Brackets are manufactured from 3mm Aluminium and consist of 3 types, supplied with a minimum arm length of 90mm in increments of 20mm upwards to 350mm. All bracket types may be fixed to varying substrates including Steel, Block Work, Concrete and Timber.
Thermal Isolator Pads
Thermal break isolator pads may be supplied where required to your secondary support grid. They feature low thermal conductivity, optional pre-punched pads and all are manufactured from rigid PVC.
Hook on System
The Hook on system can be used for any panel orientation. The spring loaded offset head dowels allow for these to be inserted anywhere on the rail and do not have to be slid down the whole length. The spring itself will ensure the dowels do not fall to the bottom.
PSP are able to offer a range of support grids to suit most cavity build ups. It is essential that the correct system is utilised to ensure it can allow for thermal and floor movement. It is essential that care is taken when installing the grid to ensure the accuracy require to accommodate the relevant panel system. Accurately fitted grid will ensure a trouble free installation of the panels.